
DHS Exec Aided Foreign Investors with Democratic Ties, IG Found

Witnesses say Alejandro Mayorkas intervened in immigration cases connected to Harry Reid, Terry McAuliffe and others.


TSA Gave Expedited Screening to Former Domestic Terror Group Member

A supervisor overruled an alert officer who recognized the felon and raised concerns.


Crime and Punishment

Lawmakers expect heads to roll when civilian agencies screw up. Not so much when it’s the military.


Lesson for Congress: Don’t Mess With VA’s Bob McDonald

Federal officials often serve as punching bags for lawmakers trying to land political points. Not this guy.


The Government Will See You Now

The Obama administration wants agencies to deliver world class customer service.


Fiscal 2016 Budget Winners and Losers

Most agencies would get a cash infusion under the Obama administration's spending plan.


The Broken Federal Personnel System in 7 Charts

Government employees are deeply frustrated with a personnel system that makes it too hard to hire skilled workers and fire poor performers.


In Memoriam: Bob Brewin, 1944-2014

A colleague remembers a stellar reporter.


Raising Human Capital

Beware the manager who says people are his most important resource, and other words of wisdom from a federal personnel expert.


State of the Union: The Message for Feds

Obama: "We need to set our sights higher than just making sure government doesn’t halt the progress we’re making."


Clapper and L 'il Bub

The Director of National Intelligence has finally arrived.


Americans Rate Two Agencies Worse Than the IRS

A new Gallup poll shows what citizens think about the work of 13 federal agencies.


IG: Energy Lab Lobbied Officials for $2.4 Billion No-Bid Contract

Sandia National Laboratories used government funds in efforts to extend Lockheed Martin’s management deal without competition.


Infographic: What Defense Personnel Really Think About the Acquisition Process

Many believe the Pentagon is failing to deliver the weapons and equipment troops really need.


Competitive Edge

The shrinking defense industrial base is bad business for the Pentagon.


DHS Orders Increased Security at Federal Facilities

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said the action was a precautionary step, citing terrorist calls for attacks against the United States.


Pentagon Scraps Afghan Air Fleet for Pennies on the Dollar

After spending $486 million on 20 planes for the Afghan Air Force, the Pentagon sold 16 for just $32,000.


The Trouble With Defense Acquisition May Be the Workforce

Too often, contracts are left to 'managers for whom it is merely one step in a career path directed elsewhere,' an expert tells Senate investigators in recent report.


Measuring Up

Few people know more about performance metrics than Harry Hatry, director of the Public Management Program at the Urban Institute. Government Executive Deputy Editor Katherine McIntire Peters spoke with Hatry in August at his office in Washington.